Thursday, May 13, 2010


Friday (14/5/2010)
I was just going through what the control analysist taught us about compressor control. It was quite hard to understand it at first but after checking textbooks and internet webpages, i was able to get the basic view about the controls.

Thursday (13/5/2010)
Today, one of the top control analysist took about 30 minutes of her busy working hours just to enlighten me about the control system connected to a compressor. She even drew diagrams and taught us about surge and how to stop them from happening. It was quite confusing as there were too many measurement device needed to curb surging from happening. Fortunately, she put it in layman terms and i manage to get the basic view about it.

Wednesday (12/5/2010)
I showed my presentation to a senior electrical engineer and he went through it. A few minutes after that, he asked me to follow him for a presentation by the electrical discipline. The presentation was about Electrical Load List software that will be running in the new future. This sofware is used to gather all data about the electrical equipment and devices. Currently, they are manually tabulating the list using Microsoft Excel. After gathering the data, they can finally come up with a single line drawing.

Tuesday (11/5/2010)
As i reached my desk, i was asked to go to the meeting room. There was a meeting between the company and a contractor. This contractor will scan the platform and converts the images into AutoCad 2010. This scanning exercise covers all viewable parts of the platform and later collected and forms a 3D view of the platform.

Monday (10/5/2010)
Supervisor gave some of his old notes to redefine my presentation. The notes were mainly about compressors, types, and its calculations. I was given a few tips and a helping hand on how to put them into the presentation slides. I hope that helps.

Friday (7/5/2010)
Supervisor helped to improve the slides. After that i started on my research about the compressor controls and its functions. I used textbooks and internet as my guideline.

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